An imaginary RL BMX poster …..I grew up in the 80s and was bitten by the BMX bug as it started across the world, about the same time that hip hop/breakdancing and graffiti also became popular.

Here we see a very 1980’s image given the RL treatment….The rider , perhaps RL Osborn is given RL sponsored clothing and the advertising around the bowl have been altered to promote RL products….it also feature the BMX cookie patch I designed.

BMX , especially in the 80’s had some very cool designs of race pants and jerseys that we all lusted after and wore at every opportunity….this kind of clothing became less popular in the 90’s and beyond when riders just started to wear denim and T -shirts…… would love to see RL do some BMX specific clothing in the future !

One response to “POLO BMX”

  1. rosemarycullum Avatar

    somehow this special talent must be recognised! xxxxx

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